Jack is a designer from Ithaca, NY.
A committed generalist, Jack is transfixed by the overlaps, boundaries, and gaps between architecture and neighboring fields, and by notions of space as a dynamic field charged with latent potentials.
He received his M.Arch from Rice University and B.A. in Visual Arts & Art History & minor in Architectural Studies from Emory University. He has taught and TA’d studios at the University of Houston and Rice Architecture. His work has been exhibited in Houston at the Moody Center for the Arts and Rice Architecture, and in Atlanta at the Emory Visual Arts Gallery. Jack has lived in Ithaca NY, Atlanta GA, Boston MA, Charleston SC, Paris FR, and Houston TX.
In his free time, Jack enjoys the sound of chimes, DJ’s on KTRU, the Rice University student-run radio station, and plays saron in Gamelan of the New Moon.
He received his M.Arch from Rice University and B.A. in Visual Arts & Art History & minor in Architectural Studies from Emory University. He has taught and TA’d studios at the University of Houston and Rice Architecture. His work has been exhibited in Houston at the Moody Center for the Arts and Rice Architecture, and in Atlanta at the Emory Visual Arts Gallery. Jack has lived in Ithaca NY, Atlanta GA, Boston MA, Charleston SC, Paris FR, and Houston TX.
In his free time, Jack enjoys the sound of chimes, DJ’s on KTRU, the Rice University student-run radio station, and plays saron in Gamelan of the New Moon.